Ready to Transform your world fom the inside out?

Let me take you on a journey to a place where time does not exist. A place so beautiful and wild, it will stir the sleepiest of souls awake!
I will walk with you into the unknown, so that you can remember who you are, ignite your inner flame and return to that place inside that is powerful, resourceful, creative, sensual, playful and wise.

I will help you access the wisdom within to remind you that you have to power to create your reality and live life ON PURPOSE with purpose!

Upcoming Events, Speaking Engagements, Workshops and Retreats

☽☥☾ Soul Sister Retreats ☽☥☾

The SOUL SISTER retreat is an exclusive invitation to journey in a private, safe and supportive environment to liberate yourself from old stories, stress, disconnection, emotion stored in the body whilst remembering to access your inner wisdom, creativity, beauty, feminine power and sensuality.  

Over these 4 transformational days together, you will have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with your womb and body to feel confident in your skin whilst connecting to your inner radiance as a fully embodied woman.  We will be sharing Ancient Wisdom Teachings from the Women's Mysteries as well as a series of sacred ceremonies, shadow work and healing exercises, song circle, freestyle dance, craft and plenty of space for stillness, introspection and connecting with country.  

Through Sacred Ceremonies and Rituals you will have the opportunity to let go of the pains of the past, redefining a new sense of Self that is strong, wise and loving. Powerful storytelling in circle or by the evening fire will remove any sense of isolation you may have been feeling and help to foster genuine, deep and meaningful relationships with other women that heal the heart and nourish the Spirit.  


Workshops + Ceremonies


WombSong is an emotional intelligence and body wisdom practice that allows women to process and clear emotion and trauma timelines in a safe and constructive way and is a powerful way to activate the wisdom of the womb, creativity, fertility, sensuality and intuition. Offered as a Home Study- go at your own pace- introductory online course or a LIVE intensive with Donna Raymond.

WombSong as a vocal practice  to help identify, clear and release emotional blockages in the body. It is a process of deep catharsis and also celebration, it is very versatile in practice and application.  

WombSong enables you to process and release emotions in a healthy way, it is particularly beneficial for processing the shadow spectrum of emotions: Anger, Frustration, Grief, Hurt, Pain and Loneliness etc.   It also aids in the following:
 -Clearing and activating the throat charka  
-Developing confidence to speak your truth.  
-Expressing yourself authentically  
-Discovering the power of vulnerability, and learning the art of surrender and letting go.  
-Connecting with your body, particularly your womb for health and wellbeing  
-Connecting with children or potential children.  
-Discovering your capacity for creativity and wonder  
-Accessing deep seated wisdom and expression  
-Embodying your femininity more fully  
-Releasing tension and shame around sexuality and sexual desires/expressions  -Connecting with the Sexual Goddess for more fulfilling sexual experiences  
-Develop awareness to the Womb, aiding in more powerful orgasm
 -Release fear around birthing  
-Releasing grief in respects to miscarriage, abortion, infertility, hysterectomy, menopause and any other experiences relating to female sexual and reproductive health  
-Developing a deeper awareness to the vagina, uterus and reproductive system.  
-Release tension held in the vagina and uterus, for clearer menstrual flow  
-Connecting with the power and majick of the menstrual cycle  
-Liberating oneself from suffering and the stories that bind us to the pain body 

Sacred YOUnion

For the past 13 years, Donna has been creating and facilitating transformational healing journeys, and online courses. She is well known in North Queensland for her potent sacred circles, ritual ceremonies, workshops, retreats and events.  Her work is often dubbed as primal, revolutionary and soul-activating. Donna creates safe spaces for women to journey into their inner world, to connect with their mind body and soul in a way that activates their own wisdom and creative potential.  Donna is an oracle and catalyst for change and imbues her work with decades of passionate study into the realms of art, semiotics, esoteric wisdom, majick, metaphysics, psychology, emotional alchemy, mindset, trauma and nervous system regulation to create world class transformational experiences that are real and raw in nature.  With a no-fluff approach to her work, Donna cultivates safe containers to feel, revel and heal.

 "“The Sacred YOUnion Ceremony came for me at a really challenging point in my life, and could not have been more appropriate timing. Donna’s sincerity, her true desire for women to heal and feel whole, and her ability to genuinely hold space for the Divine Feminine to shine through, allowed me to gift myself with the love that I so needed.  For me the ceremony was a simple yet powerful commitment to self, a declaration that I will indeed choose self-love, nurturing and abundance as my path forward. With Donna’s guidance and the support of the beautiful women in the group, I came to remember that I am the one who has the power to give and receive all that I need.   Every woman deserves this gift of trust in herself.”  

Melissa Schulz
Business Coach

 "The sacred YOUnion ceremony was perfectly timed to compliment my initial process with Donna. Leading up to it, I felt a lot of resistance. "Who would want to marry you? Why would you want to marry yourself Bridey?" On top of that, Valentines Day held some hugely traumatic memories for me and as it was looming the resistance became greater. But in the back of my mind, three words from my initial process with Donna kept coming into my mind. "Not my story!" I knew it was time to rewrite my story and reclaim valentines day as a day for me and a celebration of myself. I cannot express in words how much this meant to me. My inner maiden came out to play (something I did not get to experience at my first and legal wedding, as I was already a breast feeding mamma to my second son at the tender age of 23). She was nervous, excited, innocent, happy, playful, beautiful, radiating self love, and dressed up for the occasion. The ceremony itself was breathtaking and Donna was the most incredible celebrant. A little sunbird flew around my head the whole time (a very significant symbol in my life) and my inner priestess surfaced to read out the vows. When Donna presented to me the wedding ring I had picked out for myself, I was filled with such joy. I am so grateful to Donna and myself for rewriting my story for valentines day and setting a new path for my relationship with my children and myself. Thank you Donna!!! So much love." 

Bridey Walsh