A Transformational Journey Towards Emotional Liberation, Creative and Sensual Expression and Awakening Your Sacred Feminine Wisdom
"I have been practicing the womb song for a week now and have done the womb journey 4 times. The amount of shifts I have seen in the last week are beyond amazing!! I have always been rather quiet and don’t really express myself...not this week. I have been expressing my self and sharing on such a deep level. I have also felt more connected and more intuitive than normal. I feel like my work is more in flow this week and effortless compared to the last several months...including creativity. I am so grateful for your teachings and will definitely be taking more."
- Melissa Goodman
"WombSong has been awesome in helping me work through the stories that often go round & round. But I’m training myself to just stop, to let go & to remember these stories are just not serving me. They are not my stories anymore."
- Jess Russel