Donna Raymond

Author, Speaker, Ceremonialist, Visionary Leadership and Transpersonal Business Mentor
...and overall Wise Woman

"I inspire you to crystalise your vision, embody your feminine wisdom and leverage the power of your creativity
to transform your passions into a profitable soul-purpose business that lights you up from the inside out!"


Are you an ambitious, multi-passionate, spirit-led woman ready to step into your power more fully and make a positive impact on the world?
Are you a healer, intuitive, coach, mentor, modern mystic, witchy wise woman, priestess, creatrix, artist, sacred feminine facilitator, 
somatic and transpersonal therapist, transformational leader or spiritual entrepreneur and course creator?
Do you have a big vision or mission... A CALLING?
Are you turned on by Self-mastery and reality hacking aka getting what you want in life?
Are you multi-passionate with natural talents and creative abilities?
Do you desire more recognition for your soul work, more freedom and succes
Do you love transformational experiences and helping to support and empower others?

Do you intrinsically know the power and value of investing in yourself to unleash your creativity?
Are you kind-hearted, sensitive and tuned in to the natural world?

Do you feel like you were born for more?

Do you have the grit and tenacity to persevere until you achieve your goals because you know deep down that you are meant to lead and inspire others?
Are you diligent, focused and prepared to do the work to get what you want...
no matter how long it takes, you here for it!
Do you know the power of investing in support to help you grow?

If so, I am here to support you on your journey, because I KNOW YOU!

You've never felt like you fit into this world because you were born to create a new one!.

 You are the custodian of a VISION... A CALLING


You are called to fully embrace your natural gifts and talents, unashamedly because you have them for a reason!

 There is no need to fear or hide because you were made for these times and it's your time to shine now!  

The world desperately needs your majick, your message and your medicine.

You're here to be a transformational leader and to help awaken women into remembering what is Sacred, beautiful, and deeply meaningful in this world, so show them the way!   

You live and breath personal development, embodiment, mysitcism, ceremonies, majick, holistic health and wellness.

You're an ambitious, creative and spiritual creator/educator who's ready to take empowered steps towards your destiny!
You are here for self mastery and to lead by example.
You are not here waste time and fluff around.
You know there is important work to do in this world and you are here to have a big impact and make big waves with your presence.

You're tapped in to Spirit, you're an Oracle with important wisdom to share.
Your energy inspires people to believe in themselves and reach towards their highest potential.
You create safe spaces for women to heal and transform their pain into passion and purpose.
You're a medicine woman with the healing remedies to soothe the pains of the body, mind and soul.
You're a mystical creature with many talents and intuitive abilities.

You're here to be fully recognised and rewarded for your Soul Work.
You want to create freely doing what you love whilst empowering others.
You are solution focused and driven by soulful service to others.
You are here to do what you were born to do in a way that creates big ripples in the world, not only for yourself, you do it for the future generations because you know life is for living with purpose, on purpose! 

I am here to support YOU on your journey to do what you were BORN to do!

I help you to clarify your vision, tap into and embody your wisdom whilst cultivating resolute confidence in yourself and your message because 
you were BORN TO LEAD.

I'm here to help you remember who the fuck you are... to own your brilliance, embody your power and your medicine, integrate your shadow so that you can become an unwavering beacon of light 
to those that need your wisdom! 

I'm here to help you dust the cobwebs from your mindset and activate your majick 
so that you can fly forward into the prophecy of your being!

If this resonates with you, I invite you to join me on a transformational journey to unlock your full potential and create a meaningful legacy that leaves a lasting imprint on the world.

Remember to access the wisdom within